Shape your Elite marketing team

Get cutting-edge marketing trainings for your team with all the strategies, skills, and tools to accelerate the growth of your business.

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In this series of highly focused workshops, your team will get a comprehensive digital marketing training with the latest strategies and tactics to grow your business through online media. Within 2 full days and 3 months of weekly online sessions, we will cover a broad range of topics, such as your customer value journey, digital advertising, social media, content marketing, SEO, data analytics and the positioning of your business.


This workshop is designed to help your team build an effective and automated conversion funnel. We show you how you lower customer acquisition costs and increase the value of your customers immediately and long-term. Learn how to package and communicate great offers, build relationships with your prospects and clients, and create the core engine of your growth strategy.


Chinese retail consumers represent the largest and fastest growing customer groups with a rapidly increasing buying power. If your business wants to harness the enormous potential of the Chinese retail market both in China and abroad, you have to understand Chinese Social Media. We will teach you everything about the most relevant platforms and how to get started in a fast and efficient way. This workshop will be fully customized to your industry and business.


Discuss with us your situation. We can help your team with tailor-made workshops that will address your specific needs when it comes to marketing, growth strategies, and sales. We help you address and tackle challenges in building your organization or marketing system, teach necessary skills and build your network of execution partners.